Through physical activities and workshops, Minds & Mountains are dedicated to
re-connect humans with nature, in order for both parts to perform to its full potential.

Personal Transformation

Fundamental human needs, such as creativity, empathy and happiness, has shown to dramatically rise, as nature puts it’s spell on us, providing the perfect circumstances to reach new, unknown and necessary potential.

More than ever, people and businesses are depending on their ability to be positive, empathetic, creative and innovative, to cope with the fast changing and challenging landscape of the modern world.

Through physical activities and workshops, in specially chosen, human positive nature-, Minds & Mountains are dedicated to re-connect humans with nature, in order for both parts to perform to its full potential.

You would like to bring your life to the next level, break with particular old patterns that
are not serving you or you need help to clarify what you really want in life and how to
get it.

In individual remote or face-to-face coaching sessions, based on some of the most
transformative methods that we have used, including Strategic Intervention Coaching
and Rapid Transformation Therapy we will help you gain clarity, uncover the root cause
of what is limiting you and by healing it set you free.

Soon to come, we will facilitate transformation for anyone ready to make a deep and
lasting change.